Thursday, August 26, 2010


These are some photos I took with my phone while visiting my home. It was my dad's wedding which I am so glad I was able to come out for. They had the wedding on the UIC campus in Chicago. It was one of the most beautiful campus's I have ever seen. Lots of old architecture with ivy and laid brick walkways. Most of these photos are from the hotel that we stayed at also where the reception was held. All I can say was it was a beautiful building kept in touch with its older furniture and look. I hope you enjoy these photos and go and visit sometime. =)

I also am starting a type of challange for myself. There are times when I don't upload photos for months and I want to change that. So I told myself that everyday I must go out and photograph. What ever i can find. Hopefully I will keep to it and have some great photographs to show you.

Kind Regards,


  1. hello

    i think you could be a fantastic photographer if you keep to shooting everyday. hope to see some more shots soon. [=
